Did You Know That Most Candles Contain Paraffin?
The American Lung Association states that the Number One way we get toxins in our homes is by burning paraffin candles! The EPA has published reports that burning two paraffin candles in a room at the same time reduces your environmental air to unsafe levels!
Do You Love Candles? Know the Facts!
Paraffin wax is classified as a chemical preservative. Did you know that Paraffin is commonly
used in the majority of candles worldwide?
Paraffin is a heavy hydrocarbon that comes from something you might know as crude oil. One product that is produced by crude oil is lubricating oil. It's in the refining process that petroleum waxes are born. It is then whitened by using a bleach solution and texturized with acrolein, a carcinogenic product!

The American Chemical Society
States that when Paraffin is burned...
It emits toluene, benzene, and other toxins
that are linked to health issues such as asthma, eczema, migraine headaches and even cancer. The fine particulate matter collected from candle emissions is similar to that of diesel engine exhaust in particle size and elemental carbon content.

The American Lung Association
Has Issued Warnings that say by burning...
They can emit toxins, in measurable amounts, into your home’s air. “Paraffin candles are as dangerous to the lungs as second-hand tobacco smoke and even more so if you are in the habit of burning many at the same time.”

Unfortunately for Consumers...
Regulations are not In Place
Due to lack of regulations of the candle industry, suppliers, manufacturers and retailers are not
required to list or disclose toxic compounds found in paraffin wax or its emissions. Cheaper candles made with wicks containing lead are being imported from other countries and still being sold today.
*** Four Advantages of Using Soy Candles - Starting Today! ***

Soy Candles are so much less likely to interfere with allergies. This is so important to think about if anyone in the family suffers from these negative inconveniences.
Soy wax candles last generally 30-50% longer than a paraffin candle. It's so annoying when you purchase a candle that burns down so quickly that it's gone by the weekend.
100% Soy Wax!
Soy candles produce less soot and toxic chemicals than candles made from paraffin.
Be sure when making or purchasing these candles that you are using 100% Soy Wax.
Renewable & Biodegradable!
Soy wax is a natural, renewable resource. Soy wax is biodegradable and cleans up with plain old soap and water. Have you ever tried to clean up wax off the table or counter?

Mindful people today ...
Are concerned with the food they bring into their home.
Look for healthier ingredients in their hair care, make-up and cleaning supplies.
Are trying to exercise and drink alcohol a little less.
Are learning new ways to be healthier in their body, mind and spirit.
Then why aren't more people concerned with the toxicity being released in the beautiful candles around the house? It's all in the education! Knowing is key!
Flavors and Scents Oh My!
One of the best parts of building your own Soy Candles is that the possibilities' are endless! You can create a personal luxurious flavor perfected to your liking. There are so many to choose! Below you will find just a few of the flavors that you can create. On our Mini Course page, you will find a course that shows you how to make unlimited combinations and recipes on your own.

Cinnamon Cream and Apple Delight are tantalizing to the senses. For you or for a gift, simply WOW! Learn the skill and fill the house with a dreamy delight!
So you don't have skills in the kitchen! Doesn't matter. If you can read... you can follow a simple recipe filled with ingredients that will have your mouth watering for hours on end.